New Web Sites

New Web Sites

Added to Hampshire's "Doing Research in Computer Science" page:
- Covers many aspects of simulated games, including evolution, game design, and probability. Also includes lecture notes on broad topics in game theory. Java may be required for your browser.

Added to Hampshire's "Doing Research in Animal Behavior" page:
- ARKive Images, information, and some sound & movie files of British and endangered animals. Includes useful links and annotations related to each species.

And to Hampshire's Image Resources page:
- FaganFinder List of image search engines, sorted by type (search engines, regional & historical, science, art, and clip art). Very comprehensive.
- Imagebase Lots of high-quality, somewhat random images. Search or browse categories like transportation and Appalachian cultural history. From Virginia Tech.

- If You Search, Read This Book
I'm preparing for another semester of teaching Digital Information Services & Providers, or as I like to call it, "Advanced Reference." At the start of the semester, we review some favorite resources from reference like Academic Search Premier...

- Taxonomies Of Animals
Fabulous taxonomy / English-Latin name translator site for the Animal, Plant, Fungal, and 2 more kingdoms from the US Dept of Agriculture. ITIS, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System, lets you search by common name or scientific name of just about...

- Hampshire "trials" Openurl With Google Scholar
Google Scholar now includes HC Links! Search in Google Scholar and click on "Hampshire Access" in results. You'll see if Hampshire has access to the journal online, or if it's available in the library. It only works from

- New Link In Animal Behavior
Added 1 cool link to the "Doing Research in Animal Behavior" page. Check out the Animal Diversity Web. This is a database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology. Includes photos and information about both phyla...

- Important Cs Databases
ACM Digital Library Citations to over 400,000 articles in computer science. From the Association for Computing Machinery. 1985-present. NOTE: Create a free login & password to search the ACM. ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Citations...

