Important CS Databases

Important CS Databases

ACM Digital Library Citations to over 400,000 articles in computer science. From the Association for Computing Machinery. 1985-present. NOTE: Create a free login & password to search the ACM.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Citations to documents, articles, reports. Covers all aspects of education. 1966 to present.
Philosopher's Index Citations and abstracts covering scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy published in journals and books. Over 480 journals, from 38 countries. 1940-present.
PsycINFO Topics include psychology, medicine, sociology, education. Citations to articles and book chapters. 1887 to present.

Cool databases
ARTstor Digital images and related data. Hundreds of thousands of images for academic use. note: Macs require Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Photo and Multimedia Archive from the Associated Press. Current and historical photos taken by members of the Associated Press. Includes audio files of historical speeches. Image use restricted to educational use only.

- Online Reading List Creation Tool? Not!
I'm teaching reference at Simmons again in the spring, and I am pulling together my reading list. (see the Fall 2007 reading list). That list looked nice and meets most of the criteria I have for a reading list:Citations are formatted properly in...

- Library Tip O' The Month: Office Hours
I will be holding two office hours outside of the library this semester. On Tuesdays from noon-1, I will be in the Communication Sciences building, in room 105a.On Wednesdays from 3-4, I will be in the Psychology building, in room 190c.You can come to...

- Next Gen Libraries & Refshare (e.g)
Been thinking about what I saw & heard at the Next Generation Library Catalogs session at UMass last week. What struck me most was David Lindahl (Director of Digital Library Initiatives at the University of Rochester) said in his prefatory remarks...

- Citation Tracking
Roy Tennant's excellent library literature abstracting service Current Cites points to an interesting short article about citation tracking: Bakkalbasi, Nisa, Kathleen Bauer, and Janis Glover, et. al. "Three Options for Citation Tracking: Google...

- Trial Databases At Hampshire
'Tis the season for trials! - LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts), a swell database for linguistics research. Coverage 1973-present. Trial runs through June 10, 2005. - RefWorks is a citation manager database which enables you to manage...

