New Social Learning Lab seeking undergraduate research assistant!
Research Assistant Position Social Learning Lab The Social Learning Lab, a brand-new lab under the direction of Dr. Lucas Butler, is currently seeking a highly motivated and dependable student for the Spring semester to work on various projects investigating children's early social and cognitive development. The individual will spend at least one semester working in the lab (longer commitment preferred), and will be responsible for assisting with a variety of daily lab activities, including data coding and entry, participant recruitment, and hands-on testing with young children. For more information on the work we do in the Lab, please see:
Responsibilities:-6-9 hours per week (9 preferred)
-Data Coding & Entry
-Participant Recruitment
-Subject Testing
Qualifications:-Minimum 3.0 GPA
-Completed PSYC 100
-Experience working with children
-Organizational skills
How To Apply:To apply, please send your resume, unofficial transcript, and Spring 2015 class schedule to Lucas Butler at
[email protected]. Preferred application deadline: January 1. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.
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