"An Evolving Collection"
The Sept. 1 issue of Library Journal addresses Evolutionary Biology in its Collection Development feature.
It includes older books that
shouldn't be weeded such as Ronald A. Fisher's
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection and Julian S. Huxley's
Evolution: The Modern Synthesis.
Some newer books they recommend include Encyclopedia of evolution, edited by Mark Pagel & published by Oxford; Richard Dawkin's The ancestor's tale : a pilgrimage to the dawn of evolution; Sean Carroll's Endless forms most beautiful : the new science of evo devo and the making of the animal kingdom; and Kenneth Miller's Finding Darwin's God : a scientist's search for common ground between God and evolution.
Also check out the web sites LJ reviews on the topic; they include:
* Darwin Digital Library of Evolution from the American Museum of Natural History
* Understanding Evolution from the Paleontology Museum at the University of California–Berkeley
* National Center for Science Education
If I were still at Hampshire, I'd be going on a buying spree!
Evolution: The Great Tinkerer
This week's Science Times was devoted to evolution and covered some interesting aspects, including a long article on Evo-devo. Wikipedia provides the most concise definition of Evolutionary developmental biology: "Evolutionary developmental biology...
Science & Religion @ Hampshire
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Evolution For Everyone!
Have you heard about David Sloan Wilson's new book Evolution for everyone : how Darwin's theory can change the way we think about our lives ? I saw him speak at Hampshire back in February, and he was great. Natalie Angier reviewed the book in...
A Moral Grammar?
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Evo Devo Explained
A book review in the Oct. 24, 2005 issue of the New Yorker by H. Allen Orr explains a bit about “evo devo” (evolutionary developmental biology), and finally clarifies for me what “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” means. Last things first: the...