Neuropsychology Abstract of the Day: Neuropsychology Education

Neuropsychology Abstract of the Day: Neuropsychology Education

Graduate Admissions in Clinical Neuropsychology: The Importance of Undergraduate Training.
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2013 Jul 23;
Karazsia BT, Stavnezer AJ, Reeves JW


Discussions of and recommendations for the training of clinical neuropsychologists exist at the doctoral, internship, and post-doctoral level. With few exceptions, the literature on undergraduate preparations in clinical neuropsychology is sparse and lacks empirical evidence. In the present study, graduate-level faculty and current trainees completed surveys about graduate school preparations. Faculty expectations of minimum and ideal undergraduate training were highest for research methods, statistics, and assessment. Preferences for "goodness of fit" also emerged as important admissions factors. These results offer evidence for desirable undergraduate preparations for advanced study in clinical neuropsychology. Although undergraduate training in psychology is intentionally broad, results from this study suggest that students who desire advanced study in clinical neuropsychology need to tailor their experiences to be competitive in the application process. The findings have implications for prospective graduate students, faculty who train and mentor undergraduates, and faculty who serve on admissions committees.

PMID: 23880098 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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