Kerry deS. Hamsher, Ph.D., ABPP

Kerry deS. Hamsher, Ph.D., ABPP

Dr. Kerry Hamsher died on 23rd October, 2015.

Dr. Hamsher's commitment to neuropsychology as a science and as a profession was an ever-present one. His was an encyclopedic and sharp mind that could wrap itself around any clinical topic related to the central nervous system and behavior.

He was indefatiguable in his pursuit of best practices for the education and post-graduate training of neuropsychologists. He was an essential participant in the work of the Houston Conference and within the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN). His two-year fellowship program at the Neurology Department of the University of Wisconsin Medical School – Milwaukee Clinical Campus during the decade of the 1980s was to become a model of post-graduate training in neuropsychology.

A student of Dr. Arthur L. Benton, he was instrumental in the development of the Multilingual Aphasia Examination (MAE), the Facial Recognition Test (FRT), the Judgment of Line Orientation test (JLO), and the Presidents Test (PT). He was a co-author of the influential “Contributions to Neuropsychological Assessment: A Clinical Manual” with Dr. Benton and with several other neuropsychologists with whom he was colleagues during his time at the University of Iowa and afterwards.

Among the recognitions and awards he received over the years, he was the recipient of the Distinguished Career Award from International Neuropsychological Society (INS) in 2012. The announcement text for this award opened with this memorable introduction, “Convenimus ut homo liberalis et litterato summo cum ordine!" (We come to pay tribute to a gentleman and scholar of the highest caliber!)


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- Dr. Kerry Hamsher
Congratulations to Dr. Kerry Hamsher for Distinguished Career Award from International Neuropsychological Society (INS)! Ceremony takes place tomorrow evening, during the first day of this year's Annual Meeting. #INS12...

- Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Sports-related Concussion
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