Neuroethics for Barbie
My Three Shrinks podcast #13: Lost It In Space features psychiatrists ClinkShrink, Dinah and Roy discussing a few questions on neuroethics I'd sent along to ClinkShrink, a forensic psych currently working in a prison. What's the line between the insanity defense and criminal responsibility, considering neuropsychiatric advances? What do they think about forced treatment of offenders, specifically chemical castration of sex offenders?
The trio offers some fun banter, and commentary based on their professional experience with the issues. ClinkShrink also followed up by writing the post Heads, You Lose in their blog, Shrink Rap. Thanks for taking on the topic!
For another view on neuroethical issues check out the excellent new blog The Situationist. There's a great three part series on Situational Sources of Evil by Philip Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Stanford University.
cross-posted to Omni Brain
Religion On The Brain
Via Omni Brain: The right and left brain according to the Bible, a bizarre sample from a site that makes up metaphors from the Bible to explain hemispheric brain functioning (plus AI from the Bible). Need I comment? There's also Christian content...
The future is now, in many ways. Neuroscience and psychiatry are fields that have experienced tremendous growth, especially in the last few decades, and these advances already have practical applications. Neuropsychopharmacology and neuroimaging are exciting...
Our round-up of the latest juicy tit-bits in psychology: "What happened in the basement of the psych building 40 years ago shocked the world. How do the guards, prisoners and researchers in the Stanford Prison Experiment feel about it now?" (Stanford...
New Bbc Prison Study Website Goes Live
The British social psychologists, professors Alex Haslam and Steve Reicher, have put together a wonderful, resource-packed website that documents the science and issues behind their BBC Prison Study conducted and broadcast in 2001/2002. Rather like Zimbardo's...
Psychology-related radio clips, podcasts, magazine features and more, for when you've had enough of journal articles. "My brain made me do it". Debate at the Institute of Ideas on the use of neuroscience in politics and the courtroom. (Video Webcast)....