My Library Life, Last Week

My Library Life, Last Week

Once again, I participated in #libday8, a semi-annual event coordinated by Bobbi Newman of Librarian by Day. Twice a year librarians, library staff & library students share a day (or week) in their life through Twitter & other social media tools.

I like to do this for a few reasons. First, I find it fun to chunk my work into 140-character segments -- and amusing to see how much time I spend on the same projects.  By the end of the week, I was tweeting less because the tweets would have read "still working on that LAUNC-CH project" or "still slogging through the 10,000 volume reclassification project."  In fact, I did tweet "still preparing for class" -- but at least in that case, I was preparing for different classes.

My ulterior motive is to show folks, my students and colleagues mostly, what all we librarians do.  Everyone associates librarians and libraries with books, when in fact, most of us do so much more than just deal with books.  The fact that we do more is illustrated, 140 characters at a time, over several days, twice a year, and I think that's good public relations for all librarians & libraries.

I also enjoy the camaraderie of tweeting along with other librarians about their day -- it helps lessen the isolation of dealing with yet another missing book, or corralling another "cheeky journal" (tm @wigglesweets). Plus it's fun to see what other kinds of librarians do, like public librarians and children's librarians.

Thanks to Bobbi & everyone who participated. I had fun!

You can see what I was up to last week by reading these tweets: 

- College Students @ The Library
A recent ethnographic study assessed how college students use the library for research projects and study needs. The results are worth your time to read if you expect students to do library research: basically, students rarely ask librarians for help....

- The Adjunct Life
Woo! My article for Library Journal, The Adjunct Life, was published today. Read what it's like for me and several other information professionals to teach library school as an adjunct. I spoke with public, school, and special librarians, as well...

- Libsite Cites
Have you seen LibSite? It's a social networking sie that showcases great library web sites. "Sites" can include content, library home pages, and blogs. I promoted the awesome Danbury Library Catalog. Check out web sites that librarians (and non-librarians,...

- School Librarians Rock!
Dodie Gaudet posts over at the Our Future blog about the terrific-ness of school librarians and is filled with Respect and Admiration for them. I totally agree! I teach reference to future school librarians (among others) and since I don't know much...

- Real Life Librarian Blogs
These two blogs are great for prospective reference librarians – they tell what reference library work is really like, as opposed to sources and formal reference theory which is what I teach at Simmons. Both have graciously allowed me to use their experiences...

