MOOC: "The Many Faces of Dementia"

MOOC: "The Many Faces of Dementia"

UCL (University College London) is presenting a four-week MOOC on the FutureLearn platform (no cost) titled "The Many Faces of Dementia".

The course begins on 14th March.

Course Description

Four domains are explored: Familial Alzheimer's Disease, bvFTD, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, and Posterior Cortical Atrophy.

- Unusual Conference Advertising
ICAD 2008 FIGURE 1 (Mosconi et al., 2008). Representative cortical 18F-FDG PET patterns in NL, AD, DLB, and FTD. 3D-SSP maps and corresponding Z scores showing CMRglc reductions in clinical groups as compared with the NL database are displayed...

- Lewy Body Dementia
Last week, The Dana Foundation offered online this general overview to Lewy Body Dementia: Lewy Body Dementia: The Under-Recognized but Common Foe By Meera Balasubramaniam and James E. Galvin October 02, 2013 Read the article ...

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Reliability of repeated cognitive assessment of dementia using a brief computerized battery American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias. 2011 Jun; 26(4): 326-333. Hammers D, Spurgeon E, Ryan K, Persad C, Heidebrink J, Barbas N, Albin R,...

- Abstract Of The Day: Structural Mri Markers
den Heijer T, Geerlings MI, Hoebeek FE, Hofman A, Koudstaal PJ, & Breteler MM. Use of hippocampal and amygdalar volumes on magnetic resonance imaging to predict dementia in cognitively intact elderly people. Archives of General Psychiatry. 2006 Jan;...

- Abstract Of The Day: Dementia
Godbolt AK, Josephs KA, Revesz T, Warrington EK, Lantos P, King A, Fox NC, Al Sarraj S, Holton J, Cipolotti L, Khan MN, & Rossor MN. Sporadic and familial dementia with ubiquitin-positive tau-negative inclusions: Clinical features of one histopathological...

