Lynda Barry's "The Unthinkable Mind" Class

Lynda Barry's "The Unthinkable Mind" Class

I am synaptic with jealous for those who are in! :-)

Course Description

- Swine Flu, H1n1
John Barry, author of the must-read "The Great Influenza," recently authored a white paper on H1N1, available here...

- In The Weeklies
Here are some relevant highlights from this week’s major scientific and medical weeklies: Journal of the American Medical Association 22/29 September 2004 There are several contributions this week examining dietary intake and physical exercise...

- If You Liked The Book, You'll Love The Blog!
Mind Hacks, that is. Great fun for a hot afternoon! Sample articles include: Using "trippy neuroscience videos" to test "synaptic neurotransmission - the process by which chemical signals are passed between neurons." Learn about the Multimedia Neuroscience...

- Quotes Of Whoa #4: Genetic Destiny?
"Once we realise that the basic wiring plan of the brain is under genetic influence, it's easy to see how not only animals but also people can have very similar brains and yet be so different, right from the start of their lives. Genetic forces, operating...

- Quotes Of Whoa #2
"Just how do genes affect individual behaviour? In the simplest terms, they do so by making proteins that shape the way neurons get wired together." -- Joseph LeDoux, 'Synaptic Self' (2002), p. 4....

