Swine Flu, H1N1

Swine Flu, H1N1

John Barry, author of the must-read "The Great Influenza," recently authored a white paper on H1N1, available here

- Missing Possible Meningitis In A Flaky/dodgy Swine Flu System
From The Guardian: Girl, two, dies after swine flu misdiagnosis Child with possible meningitis was 'failed by system' say parents Jo Adetunji guardian.co.uk Saturday 8 August 2009 01.08 BST [snippet] The parents of a two-year-old girl thought...

- Pandemic-flu (h5n1, Avian Influenza, "bird Flu") Educational References
Here is an update of the references I posted last week during Pandemic Flu Awareness Week: Background and historical references: Barry, John M. (2004). The great influenza. NY: Viking. [comment: A very readable account of what happened and why in the...

- Pandemic Flu Awareness Week
Here are some references that I would recommend for Pandemic Flu Awareness Week, which is promoted by the folks at FluWiki and which we are in the middle of right now: Background and historical references:   Barry, John M. (2004). The great influenza....

- More About H5n1
A daily read of the following blog has been, for me, one of several useful ways I have of keeing up with avian influenza events: H5N1. Obvious additional resources include the World Health Organization (WHO) website section on the topic. - Anthony H....

- In The Weeklies: H5n1
Of potential interest to all, including the broad neuroscience medical and scientific communities: The 29 September 2005 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine includes the full-text content of a review paper about Avian ("Bird Flu") Influenza [H5N1]....

