

Other new research and reviews of note:

Why extraverts are happier than introverts.

The use of toys in clinical interviews with children.

A behaviourist criticism of the DSM manual.

A quick guide to Tourette's. And see here.

The effect on kids of seeing their mum or dad be violent to their partner.

More evidence showing the efficacy of dilectical behavioural therapy for borderline personality disorder - this time in an in-patient setting. See here for more on DBT and here for more on BPD.

Choice and uncertainty clog the bottleneck of central processing.

Body maps don't facilitate children's reports of where they've been touched - with implications for court procedure.

More evidence for the fallibility of human memory - 63 per cent of participating undergrads said they remembered seeing video footage of the assassination of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn - footage that actually doesn't exist.

In psychopathology research, people's self-reports differ wildly from how other people report on them - this has implications for relying on self-report data in research.

And quite a few this fortnight on animal cognition:

Trust in fish.

It's not all learning by association - animals really are cognitive.

Dolphins can go a month without sleep.

Social animals prove their smarts.

Man's best friend(s) reveal the possible routes of social intelligence.

- Children With Autism Are Immune To Contagious Yawning
Have you ever noticed that yawning is so contagious it can spread round a room like a Mexican wave? Scientists still aren't in agreement as to why this happens but one idea is that the phenomenon depends on our capacity for empathy. This finds support...

- Educational Tv Must Overcome Young Children's 'video Deficit'
Designers of educational television for young children face a major stumbling block: two-year-old children tend to ignore information presented to them on a TV screen. For example, in an initial study by Georgene Troseth and colleagues, two-year-olds...

- Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Pediatric Epilepsy And Memory Assessment
Everyday verbal memory and pediatric epilepsy Epilepsy and Behavior. 2011 Jul; 21(3): 285-290. Chapieski L, Evankovich K, Hiscock M, Collins R Abstract This study addressed the reliability and validity of reports of everyday verbal memory with a sample...

- Do Animals Feel?
Interesting article at New Scientist about whether or not animals have emotions. Marc Bekoff, professor of biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society, writes about animals and their possible feelings. He...

- New Books At Uconn
The Evolution of Intelligence, subtitled “Are Humans the Only Animals with Minds?” by James Fetzer (University of Minnesota, Duluth), published by Open Court, c2005. Amazon says the publisher says “Through a fascinating exploration of the mental...

