Link feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week:
1. The publishers Wiley have teamed up with TED to present a series of curated neuroscience talks packaged with free teaching and study materials.
2. Differences around the world in the way parents describe their children.
3. Scientific American Mind reviews Drunk Tank Pink - the new book about disfluency and other environmental psychological effects by Adam Alter. Disfluency is the idea that the ease with which we can process something affects our attitudes towards it and how deeply we think about it. Alter has a great essay explaining the concept at and there's a YouTube video of him chatting with Malcolm Gladwell about his new book. (more on disfluency from The Psychologist).
4. How do people arrange themselves in an elevator? Higher status folk stand at the back, apparently.
5. Is neuroscience really changing how we see and talk about ourselves? (see also).
6. "Mr Clifford’s expertise in the field of epidemiology is a matter of debate." NHS Choices dissects media coverage of a recent study linking fame with reduced longevity
7. Eight reasons you'll probably never upload your mind to a computer. (check out this novel based on the first ever brain upload)
8. BBC Radio 4's Bringing Up Britain discussed the psychological effects of birth order.
9. Brain training tends to get a bad press - at least from more scientific quarters - so it made a change to hear a psychologist stand up for the field, as Scott Barry Kaufman did over at his Beautiful Minds blog this week: "In Defense of Working Memory Training" (although he does end up conceding that you'd be better off going to martial arts classes or a good school).
10. I tried reading books on Kindle for about a year, but I've reverted back to print books. This article by Ferris Jabr describes brilliantly the contrasting experiences of reading paper and electronic books, and he gives a comprehensive overview of research into whether there are any effects on our memory and comprehension for what we've read.
Looking ahead to next week, on Tues evening Psychology in the Pub in London tackles what men and women want.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Ferris Jabr for Scientific American on a fascinating study conducted on the streets of New York into people's private conversations with themselves - their...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Stunning video of a whole mouse brain rendered entirely transparent. 2. Brilliant article by Joseph LeDoux on the benefits to anxious people of "pro-active avoidance"....
Link Feast
In case you missed them, 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. The Psychologist magazine has released a digital preview of its forthcoming April issue which is devoted to the psychology of humour, including free access to: my feature...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Why We Need to Study the Brain’s Evolution in Order to Understand the Modern Mind - a must-read essay by Ferris Jabr for Scientific American. 2. Naomi Wolf’s new...
We trawl the web for the latest and best psychology links so you don't have to: "Teachers don't like creative students" Alex Tabarrok picks up on an intriguing review paper. The Royal Society has released its fourth Brainwaves report, this one...