Link feast

Link feast

Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:

Be It Resolved That Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead (video)
Steve Pinker and Matt Ridley argued in favour of the proposition at the latest Munk Debate in Toronto. Malcolm Gladwell and Alain de Botton argued against.

Can Psychology Help Solve Long-running Conflicts?
This BBC News article (and related radio show) explores new ideas that psychologists are testing which could offer a way of tackling seemingly intractable disputes.

Intelligence In The Flesh
Where we used to say ‘The body has a brain’ it now seems more accurate to say simply ‘The body is a brain’ writes Guy Claxton at The Psychologist.

Neuropolitics, Where Campaigns Try to Read Your Mind
The use of neuromarketing techniques to help political campaigns is on the rise in many parts of the world, reports Kevin Randall for the New York Times.

What's the Best Way To Stay Motivated? (video)
This video from The Atlantic highlights the work of Dan Ariely, as well as Daniel Pink and Teresa Amabile​, to explain how progress and meaning influence our motivation to work.

Implanting and Erasing Memories: Life-Changing, or Taking Science Too Far?
At her Gaines on Brains blog, Jordan Gaines Lewis discusses the ethical implications of research in rats that's shown it's possible to implant false memories by using light to activate small clusters of neurons.

David Halpern on Nudge Theory (video)
In this video excerpt from his recent talk at the RSA, the director of the UK's Behavioural Insights Team provides a primer on the principles behind the idea of nudging people's behaviour.

The Science of Human Hehavior is Reshaping the US Government
Dave Nussbaum at Quartz reports on the work of the White House’s one-year-old Social and Behavioral Sciences Team.

How Being Optimistic in Your Teens Comes Back to Haunt You in Your 30s
"Enjoy your youth, kids, because life is pretty much downhill from your 30th birthday. This is, essentially, the bummer of a finding from a big new study examining happiness across the lifespan," writes Melissa Dahl at New York's Science of Us.

Psychologists' Betting Market Hints at Most Reliable Research Findings
Markets beat opinion polls in predicting which studies will be replicated successfully, reports Erika Check Hayden at Nature.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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