Link feast

Link feast

Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:

Leicester's Lesson In Leadership
A leader is not "the special one", but "the one who makes us special", argue S. Alexander Haslam and Stephen D. Reicher at The Psychologist.

The Imposter's Survival Guide (BBC radio show)
Oliver Burkeman explores the imposter phenomenon. That inexplicable feeling of fraudulence that plagues the working lives of so many people.

Why You Should Never Spank a Child - Major Research Project Confirms Dangers
The Telegraph reports on a new study.

A Drawing of the Drawing Effect Study
Rob Dimeo has drawn the findings of the "drawing effect" study that we reported on recently.

Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy
It’s a paradox: Shouldn’t the most accomplished be well equipped to make choices that maximize life satisfaction?

Mind Fu*k Alert: Plants May Have Memories
Gizmodo reports on a surprising new study.

Is Social Media Making People Depressed?
Mark Widdowson (Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of Salford) gives his verdict at The Conversation.

Do Women Make Bolder Leaders Than Men?
"looking through our database of 360-degree assessments from 75,000 leaders around the world, we noticed that on average the women were bolder than the men".

New Insights Into Body And Mind
A book on psychosomatic illness by Suzanne O’Sullivan has won this year's prestigious Wellcome Trust Book Prize.

This Is How It Feels To Learn Your Memories Are Fiction
David Robson at BBC Future reports on the confabulation that can occur when brain injuries impair memory.

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. There's More to Life Than Being Happy - by Emily Esfahani Smith for the Atlantic. "Leading a happy life, the psychologists found, is associated with being a...

- Do You Ever Feel Like A Fraud
Have you ever had the feeling that you’ve really only got where you are by a mixture of luck and bluffing? Such feelings are often experienced by high achievers who believe they’ve successfully deceived others into believing they’re something they’re...

