Library Promotion & Podcasts
Have you heard UC Santa Cruz' Synergy Lecture Podcasts? Subtitled "Explorations in Science and Society", the "series ... focus[es] on UCSC research, as well as teaching and grants in science and engineering with a view towards their impact on society."
Past lectures have included "Red Tides, Shellfish, and Cultural Dietary Traditions," "Great Earthquakes and Tsunamis: How, Why, and Where?" and "Wiring the nervous system from tip to toe: how do neurons go to and fro?". The upcoming lecture (May 2) is called "Deep Down Beauty: Particle Physics, Mathematics, and the World Around Us." Mp3 files can be downloaded from the site or syndicated via iTunes.
What's so interesting about these is that they are sponsored by the UC Santa Cruz
Science & Engineering Library — a wonderful way for the library to get out there both on campus & on the World Wide Web. Promoting their faculty, their institution, and the library, all at the same time.
Craigslist @ Your Library?
The conservative librarians' approach to library promotion: if the idea won't reach lots & lots of our potential audience, we don't do it. With the new world, 21st century, Web 2.0, Internets(sic), etc., we need to change this thinking. Instead...
Lj Teaching Award
In advance of my upcoming article in Library Journal on teaching LIS as an adjunct (woo! look for it in the June 15 issue), comes this exciting announcement: "The LJ Teaching Award, sponsored by ProQuest, recognizes excellence in educating the next generation...
Meet The Databases!
Leslie Porter, one of my former students, has created some innovative podcasts at Fairfield University. She started with a series called Meet the Databases, in which she interviews databases like Google Scholar (a surfer dude) and JStor (a soft-spoken...
Been remiss in posting lately, mostly because of teaching, work, and ... the article I'm writing for Library Journal on teaching part-time & working full-time. Yipes. Anyway, here are some podcasts I plan to listen to this week: Malcolm Gladwell,...
Science Podcasts
My friend Emily is maintaining a link of science-related podcasts. I might add AccessMedicine's podcasts from Harrison's or Hurst’s the Heart Updates. You don’t even have to be at a library that has a subscription to AccessMedicine to listen...