Lecture: "How the Imagined Shapes the Real"

Lecture: "How the Imagined Shapes the Real"

postponed Rescheduled date to be announced.

CBD Program Distinguished Lecture:
"How the Imagined Shapes the Real" by Jerome S. Bruner, at Hampshire College, Franklin Patterson Hall, Main Lecture Hall, Monday, December 5 at 5:30 p.m.

Jerome Bruner received his doctorate in psychology at Harvard. He has taught at Harvard, Oxford, and is presently University Professor at New York University School of Law.

His interests have always centered on how human beings construct their realities -- how they acquire, retain, and transform knowledge about the world in a way that makes it possible for them to get on with their own lives and to get on as well with others in their culture.

Bruner has received many honors, and was the winner of the coveted Balzan Prize in 1987. Professor Bruner played a leading role in the Cognitive Revolution of the 1960s, the movement that brought psychology back to the study of mind.

Find out more about Bruner on the Le Moyne College Narrative Psychology Web site.

Sponsored by the Foundation for Psychocultural Research - Hampshire College Program in Culture, Brain, and Development (CBD).

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