Events I Wish I Could Attend

Events I Wish I Could Attend

Coupla interesting events at UConn / Hampshire that I wish I could attend. Darn work, always getting in the way. Anyway, they're fun to think about, and maybe you can attend one or the other...

From the University of Connecticut, comes this announcement of their Cognitive Science fall colloquium schedule:
C.L. (Larry) Hardin, Syracuse University (Philosophy) Friday Oct 12, 4 pm BOUS 160 (the Alivin Liberman Room)
Title: TBA
Larry Hardin is the author of the groundbreaking book Color for Philosophers (librarian alert: subject heading = Color (Philosophy) heh heh) and numerous articles on color, perception, and the mind-body problem.
His talk will focus on color and is co-sponsored by the UConn Philosophy Department.

And from Hampshire College's Culture Brain & Development program,
Thursday, October 18 at 5:30 p.m. at Hampshire College, Amherst, MA
"Autism: What does it mean to be a spectrum disorder?"
Public Lecture by Roberto Tuchman, M.D.
Location: Franklin Patterson Hall Main Lecture Hall, Hampshire College

The labels of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) are commonly used to describe individuals who have varying deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication, social skills and a restricted repertoire of interests or repetitive behaviors. These labels are now used interchangeably with autism. The criteria for determining who is and is not affected by autism are based on arbitrary clinical behaviors. The characteristic clinical feature that set autism apart from other disorders of brain development associated with communication and behavioral problems are impairments in reciprocal social interaction. Is there more autism or are we just recognizing it more? How do we define social deficits? What are the causes of autism and what factors biologically and culturally impact the social phenotype? How do early deficits in social communication lead to the clinical phenotype of autism, and what are the cellular and neural mechanisms that define the social constructs that determine social cognition? These questions will be discussed from the perspective of child neurology. The focus of the discussion will be on the changing criteria of autism over time and how this has affected the concept of the "normal" social phenotype. Examples of etiologies of autism will be discussed. The early social constructs that determine an individual's distinctive social phenotype will be demonstrated. Our present understanding of the neuronal networks responsible for social behavior will be reviewed and discussed in terms of intervention strategies for social communication disorders.

About the speaker:
Roberto Tuchman, M.D., FAAN, FAAP, is the director of Autism and Related Disorder Programs at Miami Children's Hospital Dan Marino Center (note football connection) and director of Developmental and Behavioral Neurology at Miami Children's Hospital. Dr. Tuchman is an Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. See some of his publications in PubMed. He is a graduate of Hampshire College (73).Yay Hampshire grads!

- Broken Social Scene
Broken Social Scene - Fire Eye'd Boy (WATCH on YouTube) An interesting new study used eye-tracking methodology to compare how individuals with Williams syndrome ("hyper social") and autism ("hypo social") view pictures of social scenes containing...

- Science And Reason In The Age Of Unreason
Science And Reason In The Age Of Unreason Pervez Hoodbhoy Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Monday, February 6, 2006 4:15 p.m., Franklin Patterson Hall, East Lecture Hall Hampshire College ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

- Lecture: "how The Imagined Shapes The Real"
postponed Rescheduled date to be announced. CBD Program Distinguished Lecture: "How the Imagined Shapes the Real" by Jerome S. Bruner, at Hampshire College, Franklin Patterson Hall, Main Lecture Hall, Monday, December 5 at 5:30 p.m. Jerome Bruner received...

- Boston (cognitive Science) Ideas 2005
Two fascinating cognitive scientists spoke at the Boston IDEAS forum on Oct. 6, 2005. Marc Hauser discussed his work with apes which has unlocked some of the mysteries of language evolution, social cooperation, communication, and morality. Dr. Hauser...

- Autism Movie Event And Guest Panel!
The University of Maryland Autism Research Consortium (UMARC) is an interdisciplinary group of researchers in the Departments of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Psychology, Human Development, Linguistics, Kinesiology, and Special Education at the University...

