Laurie Anderson & Antonio Damasio

Laurie Anderson & Antonio Damasio

Found an interesting upcoming event mixing art & cog sci, from our new library art / multimedia database called Rhizome:

Laurie Anderson will present a special audio-visual lecture exploring the
intersections of art, science and creativity. One of the premier
performance artists in the world, Ms. Anderson has consistently intrigued,
entertained and challenged audiences with her multimedia presentations.
Anderson's artistic career has cast her in roles as various as visual
artist, composer, poet, photographer, filmmaker, ventriloquist,
electronics whiz, vocalist and instrumentalist. Following her
presentation, Ms. Anderson will be joined in conversation by
neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, director of the USC Brain and Creativity
Institute and a leading researcher of cognition, emotions, and neural

I believe that the audio will be available live from HASTAC, and I hope that it will be available following the conversation as a podcast or other transportable file.

Laurie Anderson: Recent Works
Saturday, October 21st
University of Southern California's Norris Theater
7 p.m. (PDT)
Free and open to the public!

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