Interview with Tim O’Reilly
The October 2005 issue of
Wired magazine features an interview with O’Reilly publishing founder Tim O’Reilly and offers some nice synergy between computer science & library science (or at least publishing).
My favorite story: Tim O’Reilly gave copies of the Whole Internet User’s Guide and Catalog to every member of Congress, then went to DC to preach the gospel of the Internet (in the early 1990s) to congressional aides. A guy from the House IT department pulls O’Reilly aside and says “We don’t want you to get the aides too excited about the Internet, because we’re not going to give it to them.” Hmmm. Some things never change! Of course, O’Reilly got them fired up anyway.
Apparently “O’Reilly’s radar” is as potent now as it was then. Here are some things on his radar now:
- The Participation Era, as embodied by wikis, open API’s in places like Amazon & Google, and RSS.
- VOIP “disruption”, where Voice Over IP “completely undermines” the telecos.
- DIY – see O’Reilly’s Make magazine.
- Geography-based Mash-ups – merging geographic data like apartment rentals with maps from places like Google Maps.
… and more
If you like O’Reilly’s computer books, or you’re interested in the next phase of the Internet, check out this article.
Short Takes
Here are a few of my recent favorite things, for your Thanksgiving (U.S.) browsing pleasure: Bora posts a great article on New and Exciting in PLoS ONE: an article entitled Whole Body Mechanics of Stealthy Walking in Cats and he asks for LOLCat submissions...
New Book: Designing Interfaces
I just started reading a cool new book called Designing Interfaces. The subtitle is "Patterns for Effective Interface Design", and it's about ways that "interfaces" (software applications, web sites, PDAs, etc.) can be designed to best meet the needs...
More Online Audio
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Response To O'reilly
My favorite dj, Vin Scelsa, has a letter to the editor in the Oct 1, 2005 New York Times in response to Tim O'Reilly's Sept 28 op-ed piece about authors & Google Scholar. Vin compares his work of playing digital music (which he does for WFUV...
Even More New Books!
Arranged by subject, then alphabetically by title ... Animal Behavior The metaphysics of apes : negotiating the animal-human boundary; by Raymond Corbey. publisher: Cambridge, 2005. for more info. Nature's music: the science of birdsong; by ed....