Google on 60 Minutes
There was a cool interview with Google inventors & others at the Googleplex on Sunday's 60 Minutes. The transcript is interesting reading & is available via LexisNexis (search for GOOGLE and 60 MINUTES here (Hampshire community only) or let me know if you want me to forward the transcript to you).
There are some insights into the Googleplex, as well as some of the computer science stuff that goes on with Google.
Googling For Academic Medical Research
Google has announced and is online (beta version) with an academic search engine called "Google Scholar" - which "enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical...
Google & Ill-formed Searches
Great article in the online journal Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) ("a peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it.") about using Google in the...
Google Answers -- So Do Librarians
Last week, American Public Media's Future Tense had a show on Google Answers (hear in RealAudio. The blurb on their site says: "Would you be surprised to learn that Google employs a stable of freelance researchers who answer questions for a fee? Google...
Google Tips
David Pogue blogs about GoogleGuide on the NYTimes today. It's a nice cheat sheet for all the cool stuff you can do on Google, with useful examples. If you Google, you should check this out....
Google Does Maps
Google Maps are pretty cool -- great graphics, nice display. Just what you'd expect from Google! Except: doesn't work on Safari or Mac / IE browsers. They say Safari is coming soon.
Note: it's very buggy, at least on Mac Firefox. Still:...