Google Does Maps
Google Maps are pretty cool -- great graphics, nice display. Just what you'd expect from Google! Except: doesn't work on Safari or Mac / IE browsers. They say Safari is coming soon.
Note: it's very buggy, at least on Mac Firefox. Still: way cool.
The Brain Maps Api has recently implemented a new AJAX-enabled multiresolution image viewer. Though a bit skimpy on functionality compared to the heavy-weight Flash viewers, it is snappy fast, uses very little memory, and in principle, allows for better...
What The Flock?
Have you tried the Flock browser yet? I’m using it on a Mac, and it’s faster than FireFox & cooler than Safari. Here’s what I like, so far... Nice integration with Blogger -- I’m drafting this post in Flock and it’s very tidy. No...
Search The Oed From Your Browser
... if you subscribe to the online Oxford English Dictionary, you can put a link to search it on your browser's toolbar. Their instructions indicate that this is possible for the usual browsers like Internet Explorer, but also Firefox and even Safari....
Google Tips
David Pogue blogs about GoogleGuide on the NYTimes today. It's a nice cheat sheet for all the cool stuff you can do on Google, with useful examples. If you Google, you should check this out....
Google On 60 Minutes
There was a cool interview with Google inventors & others at the Googleplex on Sunday's 60 Minutes. The transcript is interesting reading & is available via LexisNexis (search for GOOGLE and 60 MINUTES here (Hampshire community only) or let me know...