Google "Cheat Sheet"

Google "Cheat Sheet"

Find fun Google techniques on Google's cheat sheet. Finally, some kind of proximity searching with this technique: red * blue. The asterisk, they say, will help find "the words red and blue separated by exactly one word."

- Googling For Academic Medical Research
Google has announced and is online (beta version) with an academic search engine called "Google Scholar" - which "enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical...

- Google & Ill-formed Searches
Great article in the online journal Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) ("a peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it.") about using Google in the...

- Pigeon Clusters (pcs)
According to this Google press release, they use pigeon clusters (PCs) to "compute the relative value of web pages faster than human editors or machine-based algorithms." This is called "Pigeon Rank", and here's how it works: "When a search query...

- Google Answers -- So Do Librarians
Last week, American Public Media's Future Tense had a show on Google Answers (hear in RealAudio. The blurb on their site says: "Would you be surprised to learn that Google employs a stable of freelance researchers who answer questions for a fee? Google...

- Google On 60 Minutes
There was a cool interview with Google inventors & others at the Googleplex on Sunday's 60 Minutes. The transcript is interesting reading & is available via LexisNexis (search for GOOGLE and 60 MINUTES here (Hampshire community only) or let me know...

