Focus on Adult Brain Cancer: A Free Conference for Patients and Caregivers
This Friday, October 11, the Abramson Cancer Center will be sponsoring the Focus On Brain Cancer: Discovery to Recovery conference.
The Focus On Brain Cancer conference is for adults who are newly diagnosed, in treatment of survivors of brain cancer. At this conference, adults with brain cancer will gain knowledge and take action by learning important information from faculty at Penn Medicine. Patients will also be able to network with other adults who have brain cancer.
Learn more about the Focus On Brain Cancer: Discovery to Recovery conference.
Business World: Combinatorx And Brain Tumors
A company press release concerning an agreement to develop additional research efforts in the search for pharmaceutical treatments for brain tumors:
CombinatoRx and ABC2 Initiate Brain Cancer Collaboration: Partnership Speeds Search for Brain Cancer...
Treating Dog Cancer
Today's New York Times has an article about dog cancer. Seems some dogs are participating in clinical trials to assess the effectiveness of cancer treatment in humans and animals. Those in which the treatment succeeds are indeed lucky dogs. If only...
Dr. Brem Talks About High Recurrence Rate For Glioblastoma
Steven Brem, MDSteven Brem, MD, professor of Neurosurgery and director of Neurosurgical Oncology, is quoted in a story detailing the outlook for patients who, like former Phillies catcher Darren Daulton, are diagnosed with the brain cancer...
Steven Brem, Md Receives American Brain Tumor Association Award
Steven Brem, MD, Professor of Neurosurgery, Chief of the Division of Neurosurgical Oncology and Co-Director of the Penn Brain Tumor Center, has received the first Joel A. Gingras, Jr. award given by the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA). Dr. Brem...
Amsa Meeting Tuesday, November 20!
UMD's American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is holding their second to last general body meeting on Tuesday, November 20 at 7pm in Stamp's Charles Carroll room. Our topic of the semester is cancer. A girl from the Young Adult Cancer Support...