fMRI lie detection

fMRI lie detection

Two articles from Wired on the use of fMRI neuroimaging for lie detection: the feature Don't Even Think About Lying, plus The Cortex Cop about fMRIs in airport security.

- The Latest Verdict On Using Brain Imaging For Lie Detection
Excitable tabloids, technophile lawyers and gullible entrepreneurs have all spent the last few years salivating over the prospect of functional brain imaging delivering us the first form of truly scientific, objective lie detection. Not so fast. Most...

- Bold-faced Lie Detection
You wouldn't know it from the claims of companies like No Lie MRI, but we're a long way off being able to use brain scans to detect reliably whether a person is lying or not. Nonetheless, cognitive psychologists are busy beavering away in the...

- Would I Lie To You Yet Again?
The Deception Blog alerts our attention to yet another breathless and swooning report on reading the fMRI tea leaves of lie detection in their post, More fMRI stuff and nonsense. The ABC report says virtually nothing specific about what purportedly happens...

- Finding Liars?!
Interesting article from Time about finding liars -- another way of addressing the behavioral "profiling" now hot in airports & other security checkpoints. Ross Buck, from UConn's Com Sci department points to this article, which is much like the one...

- Shackman Lab Research Assistant Positions!
Research Assistant Positions Using Mobile Phones & fMRI to Understand Anxiety  Shackman Lab  Description: The Shackman Lab is looking for several undergraduate research assistants (RAs) to assist with on-going projects...

