Finding Liars?!

Finding Liars?!

Interesting article from Time about finding liars -- another way of addressing the behavioral "profiling" now hot in airports & other security checkpoints. Ross Buck, from UConn's Com Sci department points to this article, which is much like the one in last week's Times. Must find some scientific articles on the topic ...

Anyway, Time mentiones some techniques that could be used to help determine if potential terrorists are lying. They discuss fMRI, ERPs, and eye scans. They also point out some shortcomings of these testing systems.

How to Spot a Liar
Time Magazine
Sunday, Aug. 20, 2006

ps, Last week's ScienceFriday discussed Behavioral Profiling a bit, in an interview with Rafi Ron, President and CEO of New Age Security Solutions and former Chief Security Officer Israeli Airport Authority. Not very scientific, but interesting.

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