Favorite Reference Sources?
This is an informal poll, for the LIS crowd.
If you were stranded on a desert isle, and you were lucky enough to continue doing reference for your current constituents, what 5 reference sources would you want to have on hand? You're lucky enough to have both high-speed Internet access as well as a safe, climate-controlled space for up to 5 reference works. :-)
- Statistical Abstract of the United States.
- The Statesman’s Year Book.
- Dorling Kindersley Ultimate Visual Dictionary.
- MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (and its cousins, Turabian & the APA Style guide) not for favoriteness, necessarily, but definitely for usefulness.
And I reserve one player to be named later.
Collecting News Style Guides; Need Visual Style Guides
I'm building a collection of stylebooks for newspaper and other news outlets. The collection primarily includes titles from various newspapers in the United States, such as the the "AJC (Atlanta Journal & Constitution) Style : Style and Reference...
Working With Students, Non-traditionally
I've branched out into non-traditional librarian-student interaction, and it's been a great success. This spring, I collaborated with JOMC professor Spencer Barnes and his Infographics students. Dr. Barnes asks the students to create (amazing)...
Google & Ill-formed Searches
Great article in the online journal Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) ("a peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it.") about using Google in the...
Addendum To Thoughts About Reference
My thoughts on this topic are evolving, and there are so many related blog posts about it, that I've created a separate post for my links & additional thoughts on The Future of Reference. In no particular order: * From the 2007 Massachusetts Library...
Where Reference & Music Geekiness Meet
A must-have for a reference / iPod geek? Merriam-Webster Reference for the iPod . For $9.95, you can get Merriam-Webster‘s 2006 Pocket Dictionary on your iPod. iPrepPress offers other reference / study guides for the iPod, including several Shakespeare...