

Studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight:

Veterans and hospital staff benefited from training in using mantras
like "take it easy".

Game suggests people can behave altruistically to maintain the earth's
climate given the right circumstances.

Observers make more perceptual errors in a cluttered scene, but
paradoxically are more confident in their judgments.

Psychological factors like anxiety-proneness predict self-reported, but not objective, measures of fatigue.

- Extras
Other eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: Does a 6-month-old baby's temperament predict its character at age five? Explaining how human altruism evolved. How mood can affect taste. Should psychiatric diagnoses should...

- Extras
Studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: Questions are more often misremembered as statements, than vice versa. Do anti-depressants cure or create abnormal brain states? What lies beneath homophobia - defensive loathing or a secret...

- Extras
Studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: Does the detrimental effect of early deprivation on children's cognition last into adolescence? Improving the labelling of medicines to reduce patient confusion. The psychological and health...

- Left Overs
Studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: Evidence-based guidelines have little influence on the clinical practice of psychotherapists and clinical psychologists. Straight men were more likely to accept an unfair cash offer in a game...

- Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Fatigue
Möller MC, Nygren de Boussard C, Oldenburg C, & Bartfai A. (2014). An investigation of attention, executive, and psychomotor aspects of cognitive fatigability. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2014 Jun 26:1-14. [Epub ahead of print]...

