Left overs

Left overs

Studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight:

Evidence-based guidelines have little influence on the clinical practice of psychotherapists and clinical psychologists.

Straight men were more likely to accept an unfair cash offer in a game of Ultimatum after viewing pictures of sexy women or lingerie, especially if they had high testosterone (as determined by the ratio of their second and fourth fingers).

A brain scanning study shows how learning is consolidated in the brain after training, even when we're busy with an unrelated task.

- Extras
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Thermal imaging as a lie detection tool at airports. 'In comparison to their younger counterparts, older adults generally reported and expressed greater sympathy while observing the target persons'...

- The Special Issue Spotter
Elder issues (Behavioural Sciences and the Law). A neglected area, this issue deals with things like how Alzheimer's Disease affects people's capability to make legally binding decisions, and how stereotypes about the elderly might affect legal...

- Men's Dancing Style Determined In The Womb
If you dance like a deranged spinning top, blame your mother! Apparently, the way men dance is related to how much testosterone they were exposed to in the womb, as indicated by the relative lengths of their index and ring fingers. Previous research has...

- Extras
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: The right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays a vital role in our willingness to punish unfair behaviour by others, even at a cost to ourselves. The boundaries between different...

- Staplers, Snakes, And Sex
Do sexy pictures make men more likely to buy expensive sports cars? Possibly, according to Science Daily: Irrelevant Image Of Attractive Woman Can Make A Man More Willing To Take Big Financial Risks ScienceDaily (Apr. 5, 2008) — Attractive women plus...

