
Studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight:
Girls are better at recognising faces.
What kind of teenager carries a weapon?
The children of fathers with stressful jobs are at increased risk of suicide.
Awake rats learn new routes by mentally replaying them in reverse, whereas sleeping rats replay new routes forwards.
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: What do we mean when we say a public figure has integrity? Ageing associated with a deficit in recognising hand gestures (even when other cognition remains intact). What clinical psychologists...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: This sounds familiar: a memory-based account of deja vu (pdf). The kind of streets older people like to walk down. Examining why we remember so much more from adolescence and early adulthood than...
Watching New Memories Form
Biologically-speaking, new memories are based on changes to synapses – the gaps across which neurons communicate with each other. Now scientists in America say they have found a way to witness these synaptic changes right after they've happened,...
It's Thanks To Dad That Girls Are More Cautious Than Boys
Part of the reason boys tear around recklessly having more accidents while girls are more cautious is no doubt due to their biological differences. But it could also have to do with parents treating young boys and girls differently. Now Lisa Hagan and...
- - Fish Explores Land With Robotic Device - Fish Explores Land with Robotic Device Here's the question. What happens if you raise the fish in this environment from birth -- does it learn to behave differently than a fish in their usual environments? Suppose we used a rat instead...