Neuroscience - Fish Explores Land with Robotic Device - Fish Explores Land with Robotic Device
Here's the question. What happens if you raise the fish in this environment from birth -- does it learn to behave differently than a fish in their usual environments? Suppose we used a rat instead of a fish, since a fish can't see much outside the bowl?
How do rats raised inside those clear hamster-balls differ from regular rats?
Cultural Neuron Cultures
BrainWaves is a musical performance by cultured cortical cells interfacing with multielectrode arrays. Eight electrodes recorded neural patterns that were filtered to eight speakers after being sonified by robotic and human interpretation. Sound patterns...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: How to critically appraise an article. What can magicians teach us about the brain? Exploring the way anxiety may be passed from parents to their children. Comparing the brain activity of architects...
Why Is Learning Slow?
Richard Gregory: "Why is learning slow? Is it set by physiological (hardware) limitations, or is it due to cognitive (software) strategy? As learning can be single-trial, in dangerous situations, the general slowness may well be a cognitive strategy -...
"none Of Us Are Saints"
-Albert Fish, serial child killer and cannibal I went to visit my parents for a few days. It was my mother's birthday, and she wanted to pick up a free DVD rental at the local video store. Interestingly, she chose The Gray Man, a movie about "a real...
Amnesia At The Movies: Eternal Sunshine, Memento, And Finding Nemo
Wherein the author finds that the fish gets it right and is pleased with the homage to Patient H.M.:
Sallie Baxendale. Memories aren't made of this: Amnesia at the movies. British Medical Journal 2004; 329: 1480-1483 (18 December). [doi:10.1136/bmj.329.7480.1480]...