Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:
Less than human? How we perceive members of the out-group versus our in-group.
An account of what motivates people to become suicide bombers.
Staring at a moving stimulus like a waterfall and then looking at stationary rocks, leads to the illusory perception that the rocks are moving in the opposite direction to the waterfall - an example of the "motion after-effect". An intriguing new study shows that this effect can transfer from the visual domain to touch and also from touch to vision.
A new paper questions whether genius and madness really do go together
Yuk! Conservatives are more easily disgusted than liberals.
How do psychiatrists view mental illness - as a medical disease or as psychological problem?
Measuring a mother's relationship with her foetus.
People with severe hearing impairment show enhanced visual attention.
Nice old-school Nike's you've got on there. Fashion conscious burglars leave clues for psychological profilers.
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Is there a crisis in moral psychology? Stigma against the fat body shape is spreading round the world. We're more likely to take the stairs (rather than the escalator) if the person before...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: More clues as to how meditation affects the brain. Amusics can hear pitch changes, they just don't know they can. The psychology of comforting. Are today's youngsters more narcissistic than...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Taking supplements of creatine aids cognition in the elderly. Comparing the brain activity of liberals and conservatives using EEG. Expert hikers were better than novice hikers at remembering mountain...
Sound Aids Visual Learning
The use of sound during visual training can enhance later performance on a purely visual task, a finding that demonstrates just how much multisensory interaction occurs in brain areas that before now were thought to be dedicated solely to vision. Aaron...
Reading Group - Gibson (1979) Chapter 6 Part 2
So, it's been four months, but here's part 2 of Gibson '79 chapter six: Gibson believes that events are specified in the optic array, just as stationary objects are. In this part of the chapter he describes three classes of events (changes...