

Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:

Is there a crisis in moral psychology?

Stigma against the fat body shape is spreading round the world.

We're more likely to take the stairs (rather than the escalator) if the person before us does. Effect is more modest between strangers.

Experienced therapists' strategies when facing difficult therapeutic impasses.

Listening to music you don't like interferes with reading comprehension.

Can eating disorders become ‘contagious’ in group therapy and specialized inpatient care?

Recalling their past immoral behaviours leads people to compensate by behaving more morally.

A new scale for measuring boredom at school.

Early birds flock together - 'morning' people are more likely to form a relationship with other morning people (ditto for night owls). '...[T]wo extreme chronotypes are unlikely to meet each other because they have the smallest overlap in their preferred active time during the day due to the circadian rhythmicity.'

Bitter tastes make people more likely to feel disgust at moral transgressions.

A forbidden fruit effect: 'implicitly preventing people from attending to desirable relationship alternatives may undermine, rather than bolster, the strength of that person's romantic relationship ...'

One-year follow-up analysis of cognitive and psychological consequences among survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake.

An examination of the influence of routine behaviour on people's feelings of safety, confidence, and well-being.

Becoming ‘whole’ again: A qualitative study of women's views of recovering from anorexia nervosa.

An intergroup investigation of disparaging humor. 'The findings revealed that both men and women exhibited in-group bias by rating jokes about the opposite gender funnier and more typical than jokes about their own gender...'.

'...the breastfeeding confederate was rated significantly less competent in general, in math and work specifically, and was less likely to be hired ... Results suggest that although breastfeeding may be economical and healthy, the social cost is potentially great'.

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Brain scanning unborn babies to investigate the origins of hemispheric lateralisation. Media use by people with and without depression. Children’s belief in an invisible person inhibits their...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Many of us misunderstand mirrors. How to Gain Eleven IQ Points in Ten Minutes: Thinking Aloud Improves Raven's Matrices Performance in Older Adults. Well-Being Is Related to Having Less Small...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: The simple act of stepping backwards seems to boost people's cognitive control, as measured by the Stroop test. More evidence for the embodiment of cognition. The objectification of women -...

- Using Psychology To Get People Eating More Fruit
Do you eat a piece of fruit on the way to work or school everyday without even thinking about it? Perhaps that is the full extent of your fruit eating? If so you're just the kind of person who won't be helped by public health information campaigns...

- Body Image - It's 'healthy' People Who Are Deluded
We’re all going to die and there’s nothing we can do about it. Depressing? Well, it’s been argued that depressed people are the sane ones because they see the world for how it really is. Now consider this – a study has found people with eating...

