

Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:

The mangled butterfly: Rorschach results from 45 violent psychopaths.

For people with low self-esteem, repeating the statement "I'm a lovable person" can make them feel worse.

“It's like you are just a spectator in this thing”: Experiencing social life the ‘aspie’ way.

The weapon or object a person is holding can attract our attention so much that it impairs our memory for the person - especially when stereotypes mean we associate the object they're holding more with a person of the opposite sex. So, a knife held by a woman impairs memory for the woman, a held knitting needle impairs memory of a man.

Increasing the number of competitors can decrease competitive motivation.

Crime, Hysteria and Belle Époque Hypnotism: The Path Traced by Jean-Martin Charcot and Georges Gilles de la Tourette. "Gilles de la Tourette's strong and public interest in hypnotism nearly cost him his life, when a young woman who claimed to have been hypnotized against her will shot him in the head at his own home in 1893. It was subsequently shown that hypnotism had nothing to do with it." [hat tip: mind hacks]

The moral psychology of indirect agency: "Acting indirectly through another can hide the fact that one has caused harm, hide the fact that one knowingly chose to cause harm, and hide the extent of one’s control over the harmful outcome".

- Open A Door For A Man And You Diminish His Self-esteem And Self-belief
How does a man feel if another man opens a door for him? The researchers Megan McCarty and Janice Kelly conducted a field study to find out. Male research assistants waited near two university building entrances and looked out for men and women approaching....

- Another Look At A Mistake Babies Make
Psychologists think they've found a new explanation for a classic mistake made by babies. If you repeatedly hide an object under an opaque cup, each time allowing a ten-month-old baby to retrieve it, and then you hide it one last time under a second...

- Biological Accounts Of Mental Illness May Dent Patients’ Hope And Increase Stigma
“Mental illnesses are biologically based brain disorders” - that's the bold proclamation made by The National Alliance on Mental Illness and many other campaign groups. No doubt, one intention of such proclamations is to reduce the stigma associated...

- More On Dbs (and The Neurological/psychiatric Divide)
"The microdrive behind the sterile curtain will insert probes into my brain a few micrometers at a time." - Steven Gulie in Wired It seems that deep brain stimulation is in the news these days, particularly DBS for Parkinson's disease. Neurophilosophy...

- Abstract Of The Day: Assessing Neurocognitive Toxicity In Animal Models
Bertaina-Anglade V, Enjuanes E, Morillon D, & Drieu la Rochelle C. (2006). The object recognition task in rats and mice: A simple and rapid model in safety pharmacology to detect amnesic properties of a new chemical entity. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods,...

