

Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:

Sex differences in eye movement patterns. Believe it or not, when looking at a woman, women apparently scan the whole body, men focus more on the face!

"Among participants who were older than 60 years, loneliness was a predictor of functional decline and death."

"a primary reason why men eat meat: It makes them feel like real men"

A Bayesian account of ‘hysteria’ (open access article)

You are what you tweet: Personality expression and perception on Twitter

Evidence for prejudice against people with acne. "In terms of personality, the photographs in the 'clear' condition were given higher scores for potential friendship, attractiveness and overall positive personality features than the photographs in the 'acne' condition."

You know how, when they're talking, some people end every sentence like it's a question? It's called uptalk. A gameshow study found: "The more successful a man is, the less likely he is to use uptalk; the more successful a woman is, the more likely she is to use uptalk."

The cerebral cortex of Albert Einstein: a description and preliminary analysis of unpublished photographs (open access article)

Are elder siblings helpers or competitors?

Chimps and orangutans have mid-life crises too.

"cell phone conversations were rated significantly ruder than conversations between two audible speakers"

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Danish study: 95-year-olds tested in 2010 had better cognitive functioning than 93-yr-olds tested a decade earlier. Control groups in psychology don't take full account of the placebo effect....

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Eye-catching psychology studies that didn't make the final cut: What can we learn about emotion by studying psychopathy? [open access] Why do people attend science festivals? A tread-mill study of high-heel expertise: "high-heel experts adapted...

- Can You Fake Your Personality In A Photo?
Say you wanted your Facebook pic or Twitter avatar to convey to the world that you have a particular personality type, different from how you really are, would you be able to pose in a such a way to achieve this? A new Finnish study led by Sointu Leikas...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Thermal imaging as a lie detection tool at airports. 'In comparison to their younger counterparts, older adults generally reported and expressed greater sympathy while observing the target persons'...

- You Hunky Smile Magnet
It seems beauty isn’t all in the eye of the beholder after all. Researchers have shown women rate a man as more attractive after they’ve seen another woman smiling at him. By contrast, being a jealous bunch, male observers rate a man as less attractive...

