Experienced child researcher needed for Notre Dame Lab Manager position!

Experienced child researcher needed for Notre Dame Lab Manager position!

Project Coordinator position
Cognitive Learning and Development Lab
University of Notre Dame

The Cognition, Learning, and Development Lab at the University of Notre Dame is seeking a full-time Project Coordinator (Lab Manager). Members of the lab study various aspects of cognitive development, with a primary focus on how children think, learn, and solve problems in the domain of mathematics. The lab currently has funding from IES and NSF. You can find out more about the lab by visiting our website: http://www.nd.edu/~nmcneil.

The position involves managing all aspects of cognitive development research. Some duties include: overseeing a team of research assistants; recruiting research participants; interacting with children, families, and schools; helping to design mathematics lessons and activities for children; supervising and assisting with data collection in the lab and in schools; entering and coding data; creating and maintaining databases; distributing a lab newsletter to participants; purchasing and upkeep of equipment.

Preferred qualifications include: Degree in psychology, education, or related field; experience working with children; a commitment of 2-4 years; and strong technical and computer skills. Salary is competitive, and benefits are included.

The successful candidate should be sociable, organized, detail-oriented, and resourceful. An ability to work both independently and as part of a team is a must.

How to Apply:
To apply for the position, email (1) a cover letter describing your relevant experience and future goals; (2) your resume; and (3) the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Nicole McNeil [email protected]. Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
To learn more about the Cognition, Learning, and Development lab go to: http://www.nd.edu/~nmcneil/

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