Evaluating Health Information

Evaluating Health Information

I’m going to post this on my other blog, Libraries For My Friends, but I thought some of you might like it too:

MedlinePlus offers a great set of material on how to evaluate health information online. It includes links to …

A votre sante!

- Why Do People Use Complementary Medicine?
From acupuncture to homeopathy, complementary medicine is increasingly popular despite continuing doubts about its effectiveness. Now Felicity Bishop and colleagues have used an internet survey to see if people who use complementary medicine tend to think...

- Cognitive Rehabilitation In Traumatic Brain Injury (tbi)
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury: Evaluating the Evidence Institute of Medicine Released: 11 October 2011 For more information, click here...

- Government Web Site Widgets
I just had two great librarians talk to my reference class, and I learned as much as the students did about government documents work and GIS / geography sources. Thanks to UConn's undergraduate and GIS librarian Michael Howser and Connecticut's...

- Public Library Marketing Toolkit
ProQuest & CSA have come out with a terrific public library marketing toolkit that could benefit ALL libraries. It includes some great material that savvy librarians can use to publicize their offerings, and not just those from ProQuest / CSA (tho'...

- Podcasts From Medlineplus
Ok, so I'm still en vacanes a little, but I just saw this podcast (featured on iTunes' "New & Notable" pages, so you might have seen it too) from MedlinePlus. It's called Director's Comments, and it showcases new sites on the web site....

