Dr. Cassidy Selected for Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award
Dr. Jude Cassidy, a Professor in the Department of Psychology was recently selected for the University's Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award and will be giving a presentation on her research with children and attachment styles.
Early Experiences, Later Functioning:How and Why a Secure Base Matters
Monday Nov. 17, 2104 4:00-5:00pm
Biosciences Research Building lecture room 1103
Compelling research evidence indicates that secure attachment is linked to a variety of aspects of children’s healthy development. This presentation presents a comprehensive model whereby both cognitive and non-cognitive mechanisms may mediate the link between secure attachment and children’s response to threat, with consideration of long-term and pervasive mental and physical health functioning.
A reception with snacks and beverages will be served after the presentation. All undergraduate psychology students are encouraged to join us for the presentation and stay for the reception.
Congratulations, Dr. Cassidy!
Special Issue Spotter
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Congratulations To Our Graduating Psyc Terps!
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Research Assistant Position With The Maryland Child And Family Development Lab!
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