Congratulations Leslie!
One of my former students has just published an article that may interest my readers:
Leslie Porter: Library applications of business usability testing strategies
Library Hi Tech, Volume 25 Issue 1 (2007): pp. 126-135. (a subscription is required for access)
This is a great review of articles from the business & computer science literature on usability testing, suggesting what we in library-land can learn from those in other disciplines. I'm a little biased, but I think it's an important article.
Congratulations Leslie!
Library Tip O' The Month: Ill *rocks*
There's a great library service for UConn community members who want library materials but don't have the time / energy / physical ability to come over to the Homer Babbidge Library The Library's DD/ILL staff (library jargon for: "if we don't...
Thinking About Teaching, And Other Things
I've been so busy filling up my spring dance card that I haven't been blogging. Here's what I'm up to, if you want to follow along at home. Teaching 454, Digitial Information Services & Providers for Simmons GSLIS. Still teaching Dialog....
Seniors & Medical Information
Read an interesting article yesterday from JASIS&T which covered usability for seniors in two domains: first, the article talks about how seniors get information about drugs, and then it talks about how they look for information about drugs within...
Usability: Worth The Effort?
Today I'm speaking at Simmons GSLIS West about usability. You can see the useful links I've gathered over the years on my Simmons wiki, which lists my favorite usability articles. It's also got a copy of my PowerPoint presentation, in case...
Usability Talk
I'm going to do a short presentation on usability for Simmons GSLIS (West) on March 24. I'll talk about good usability principles and show some examples from some recent testing I helped do at work. If you're part of the GSLIS community, I...