Condoms @ Your Library

Condoms @ Your Library

Yes, it’s true! This is my favorite example (so far) of libraries thinking outside the box to promote their services.

The October 2007 issue of American Libraries writes about the Penn State Altoona Eiche Library’s recent participation in a recent student health fair. Library staff sponsored a booth where they gave away free condoms with “Eiche Library: Facts You Need Between the Covers” stickers on the packages. Hee! They made glossy bookmarks with the call numbers of sex-related library materials, had a display of sex-related books & reference materials, and had a sex quiz modeled on their library’s existing trivia quizzes.

Terrific idea!

For More Info.
* Imler, Bonnie and Michelle Tomaszewski. “The Powers of Attraction.“
American Libraries, Oct2007, Vol. 38 Issue 9, p60-61. Free online if you’re an ALA member.

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