CogSci to PsycINFO?!

CogSci to PsycINFO?!

It's not often that my cognitive science interests and my library science interests overlap, but here's one of those times. This note came into my email & I thought it might interest others:

APA Invites You to Participate in a Cognitive Science Survey

Dear Colleagues,

As a result of some requests from librarians, APA is seriously considering the development of a cognitive science add-on to PsycINFO. This enhanced version of PsycINFO would feature a new coverage list of journals not currently covered in the database, as well as new index terms. Searching across the entire database would be seamless.

We'd like to hear your thoughts about this idea. Please go complete a brief survey online (note: it really was brief!) - and enter our raffle for a chance to win a $350 Amazon gift certificate.

Please let me know if you have questions.


Susan B. Hillson
Manager, Customer Relations

PsycINFO/American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington DC 20002-4242 [email protected]

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