Can Science Ever Explain Consciousness?
The Guardian's Science Weekly podcast for this week examines consciousness.
"On 7 March at the Royal Institution in London, Science Weekly presenter Alok Jha will host a debate entitled Consciousness: The Hard Problem?
"To discuss this slippery subject ahead of the debate Alok brought the three leading researchers and thinkers who will be participating into the Science Weekly studio: Professor Anil Seth, co-director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science at Sussex University; Professor Chris Frith, professor emeritus at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London; and Dr Barry Smith, director of the Institute of Philosophy at the School of Advanced Study at Birkbeck, University of London."
Read the full article and listen to the podcast
Science Weekly Podcast: Understanding The Brain
This week's Science Weekly podcast from The Guardian includes a report about the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual conference ("the brainiest science conference on the planet") and a report about dementia. Listen to the podcast here...
Podcast: The Guardian's Science Weekly: "the Inscrutable Brain"
This week's Science Weekly podcast from The Guardian includes a segment called The Inscrutable Brain. [snippet] "On this week's show Alok Jha meets science writer Bryan Appleyard to discuss his new book The Brain is Wider than the Sky: Why Simple...
Developmental Neuropsychology: The Infant Brain On Bbc Radio 4
Available from BBC Radio 4: In Our Time: The Infant Brain: Listen Here. Description, from the BBC source link: Melvyn Bragg and guests Usha Goswami, Annette Karmiloff-Smith and Denis Mareschal discuss what new research reveals about the infant brain....
What Is The Self?
Recommended: The Guardian's Science Weekly podcast on April 4. Alok Jha interviews philosopher Julian Baggini, who talks about the latest thinking in neuropsychology on what it means to be "me". Baggini interviewed Daniel Dennett and others for his...
Christof Koch Now
["... Now" is a short post of cog sci topics in the news] Ginger Campbell over at the Brain Science Podcast recently interviewed Christof Koch. It’s a fascinating discussion -- almost a lecture by Koch -- on the nature of consciousness. Koch kept things...