Behind the news

Behind the news

Linking you with the science behind the news.

1. Iraq veterans suffer stress and alcoholism (The Guardian)
Stress risk for British Troops (BBC News online)

Here is the journal source. Here is the lead author.

2. Electrodes revive brain-damaged man (Channel 4 News)
Deep brain stimulation treatment gives man voice again (Scotsman)

Here is the journal source. Here is the lead author.

3. Move over Vin, women prefer feminine men (The Guardian)
Women prefer a 'feminine' appearance in partners (The Independent)

Here is the journal source. Here is the lead author.

4. Depression is over-diagnosed (BBC News online)
Thousands wrongly being treated for depression (The Scotsman)

Here is the journal source. Here is the author.

Post written by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

- Behind The News
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