Behind the news

Behind the news

Connecting you with the psychological science behind the news:

Hips do lie, women's sway can't be trusted (Daily Telegraph).
Sexy walks keep men off scent (BBC News Online).

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Men motivated by superior wage (BBC News online).
Relative wealth 'makes you happier' (Daily Telegraph).

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Link to key author.

The science of love: look into the eyes (The Independent).
Love at first sight just sex and ego, study says (The Guardian).

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Brain wiring link to paedophilia (BBC News online).
'Wiring fault' in child sex abusers (Daily Telegraph).

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- Behind The News
Connecting you to the psychological science behind the news: 1. Marital strife 'linked to rise in blood pressure' (The Scotsman). A happy marriage is good for your blood pressure ... but a stressful one is worse than being single (Daily Mail)....

- Behind The News
Connecting you with the psychological science behind the news: 1. 'Sleepless grumps' seen in brain (BBC News Online) Brain study: Sleepy, grumpy and ... primitive? (Reuters) Here is the journal source. Here is one of the key authors. 2. Breastfeeding...

- Behind The News
Connecting you with the psychological science behind the news: 1. Food cravings battle 'pointless' (BBC News online). Revealed: Resisting chocolate just makes you want more, say psychologists (Daily Mail). Here is the journal source. Here is the...

- Behind The News
Connecting you with the psychological science behind the news: 1. Stressed mothers hold baby on the right (the Telegraph). Cradling linked to depression in new mothers (the Guardian). Here is the journal source. Here is the lead author. 2. Brain type...

- Behind The News
Connecting you with the science behind the news: 1. At last, science discovers why blue is for boys but girls really do prefer pink (The Times). Girls really do prefer pink, study shows (The Telegraph). And check out Bad Science's critique. Here is...

