We're the 20th best science blog!
Wikio internet portal have re-written their algorithm for calculating blog rankings and as a result the Digest has leapt 8 places in the science blog list to number 20 in the world. That makes us the second highest ranked psychology/neuroscience blog behind Frontal Cortex. Thanks so much to all our readers and to other blog authors for your continuing support!
The Digest is brought to you by the British Psychological Society and provides regular accessible reports on the latest peer-reviewed psychology research, plus frequent updates and commentary on psychology articles and debates appearing online and in the popular press. If you enjoy the Digest, please remember to tell your friends and colleagues they can subscribe free by email or RSS.
Digest Passes Milestone Of Two Million Visitors
In the early hours of Saturday morning the BPS Research Digest received its two millionth visitor since counting began in June 2005 (the blog launched in February that year with a posting on driver stereotypes). To celebrate, we offered the two millionth...
Dear Reader
Dear Reader, If you are reading this blog and find that there are pop-up ads or framed ads around the edges or in a different format than you see if you were to use the blog's direct URL, then you might be viewing the blog through some cookie-directed...
Finding Cogsci Podcasts
In case you're wondering ... here are some ways to find nifty cognitive science & other podcasts. Here's a Google search trick I use to find podcasts of interviews with folks whom I'd like to hear: inurl:podcast + "name of person" (in...
Helping Scholars Find Material (rant)
John Dupuis, who writes the blog Confessions of a Science Librarian refers us to an interesting series of posts called "Finding Scientific Papers for Free." Written by biologist Sandra Porter on her blog Discovering Biology in a Digital World, they are...
We've Been Nominated!
The team at ResearchBlogging.Org and Seed Media Group are honouring the best bloggers who discuss peer-reviewed research in the first Research Blogging Awards. Over 400 nominations were made, and an expert panel of judges have whittled them down to 5-10...