5 chances to win a copy of The Shrink And The Sage

5 chances to win a copy of The Shrink And The Sage

This competition is now closed and the winners have been contacted.

We have 5 copies of The Shrink and The Sage by Julian Baggini and Antonia Macaro to give away. From the publishers: 
Philosopher Julian Baggini and therapist Antonia Macaro present their unique brand of self-help – with a distinctly cerebral edge. From what Aristotle can teach us about practical wisdom to how the work of psychologists such as Daniel Kahneman can improve our decision-making, they offer eminently practical advice to many common personal dilemmas. What does philosophical logic have to say about sticking to resolutions? How important is work? Could Danish existentialist Søren Kierkegaard lead you to a more satisfying life? Upbeat, enjoyable and thought-provoking, this brilliantly readable intellectual agony uncle and aunt team combine the insights of philosophy and psychology to begin to piece together a a guide to the good life and how to live it. 
For your chance to win a copy, simply post a comment to this blog entry stating who your favourite philosopher is and why. The 5 winners will be chosen at random on Friday (please ensure you leave an email address).

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