"Animals and Us" from New Scientist

"Animals and Us" from New Scientist

The June 4,issue of New Scientist has a series of 8 short articles on "Animals & Us" -- articles which discuss animal feelings, anthropodenial vs anthropomorphism, and interviews with Jane Goodall and Temple Grandin.

Note: you can read a few of these articles for free on the New Scientist web site; for the rest, check out New Scientist in LexisNexis or the library!

- Neuroscience In Plos
Have you seen PloS? The Public Library of Science "is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource.." I've referred to two of their articles...

- Do Animals Predict Earthquakes?
Possibly, argues Matt Kaplan in the Feb. 17 issue of New Scientist magazine. "The idea that animals can predict earthquakes has ancient origins. Way back in 373 BC the Greek historian Thucydides recorded descriptions of rats, dogs, snakes and weasels...

- A Linguistic Anthropologist In Brazil
Heard an interview with linguistic anthropologist Dan Everett (mp3) on "Sci Pod", New Scientist's podcast. Everett talks about the Piraha (pronounced "pita ha", best I can tell without a phonetic alphabet) people's lack of words for numbers and...

- Science & Consciousness Review Online
Articles and other information about science and consciousness at the online SCR. They review articles about science and/or consciousness, including abstracts and links to the full-text of the article in its native format (i.e. ScienceDirect or Nature...

- Note To Self
Find out when "the World's Biggest Airliner" is going to be on The Learning Channel. Ben Bowie, British documentarian (?) spent two years following the creation of the world's biggest airplane, the Airbus A380. Seats 500-800! Great article about...

