Zika Virus Infection: Basic Online Resources
Pan-American Health Organisation
PubMed Search Results for "Zika Virus"
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WHO 21 October 2015
Microcephaly -
NINDS Microcephaly Information Page
Basic Information Webpage
ECDC "Rapid Risk Assessment" on risk of microcephaly in Zika virus infection (24 Nov 2015)
pdf Paper
Cold Comfort For Shy People
"From the Archives", first published in the Digest 15.09.03 How sociable you are affects your chances of catching a cold. That's according to Sheldon Cohen (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) and colleagues (Universities of Pittsburgh and Virginia,...
60-second Psych And 60-second Lectures
Scientific American has created a courtesy weekly podcast to highlight research about the brain and behavior. The podcast can be accessed at this webpage: Scientific American webpage. Not a bad way to spend a minute! Which, by the way, reminds me to mention...
Pandemic-flu (h5n1, Avian Influenza, "bird Flu") Educational References
Here is an update of the references I posted last week during Pandemic Flu Awareness Week: Background and historical references: Barry, John M. (2004). The great influenza. NY: Viking. [comment: A very readable account of what happened and why in the...
Pandemic Flu Awareness Week
Here are some references that I would recommend for Pandemic Flu Awareness Week, which is promoted by the folks at FluWiki and which we are in the middle of right now: Background and historical references: Barry, John M. (2004). The great influenza....
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
A Brown University press release describes a study published in this week's issue of Science:Antipsychotic Drugs Stop Fatal Viral Infection In Brain Cells
PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Generic antipsychotic drugs can protect brain cells from a virus that...