Woo hoo! You can now search WorldCat directly, without an account, and find out what libraries anywhere carry the book / CD / DVD / etc. that you want!
See the box to the left of this post? Try it out!
Note: this will *not* work if your library hasn’t put its holdings into OCLC. Long story, for library geeks only.
Found this through the OCLC It’s All Good blog.
*new* Psychology & Communication Sciences Books
Thanks to WorldCat and Google Reader, I've created some nifty lists that highlight new books I've purchased in communication sciences (either communication or communication disorders) and psychology. As new books come into the library, I add...
Event I *will* Attend
Next Generation Library Catalogs Wednesday, November 7, 2007 1:00 - 4:00pm University of Massachusetts, Amherst Campus Center Auditorium As a library’s key database and the one system with which most users interact, the online library catalog has been...
Funability In Danbury
The Loose Cannon Librarian has done a very cool thing: she's mashed the Danbury Library catalog with the social networking tools of Library Thing for Libraries (read more about it on the Library Thing blog). If you look for a book & want to find "more...
Libraries 4 My Friends
Coupla posts going up at my sister blog, Libraries 4 My Friends. Today's is about using / Find in a Library. You've used it, right? If not, search for a book -- any book (cd, dvd, manuscript, anything!!) in the box to the left of...
Sirsidynix Institutes Are Podcasting!
Check out SirsiDynix's podcasts! I've posted about their Instutites before -- they cover topics like wikis for librarians, customer service, and the one I saw, on electronic resource managers. They feature well-known names in library-land talking...