What is this, anyway?
The Neurocomplimenter is a new project designed to counter gratuitous anti-neuroscience sentiment. It’s part of my campaign to combat pop neurobashing profiteers.
The Neurocomplimenter
It’s here!
I’m starting a backlash against the fashionable anti-neuro backlash. I’m tired of the relentless assaults on some cartoon version of neuroscience, and having our own critiques of specific studies, faulty statistical practices, and glitzy media coverage used against us. After over seven years of critical neuroblogging, it’s time to highlight the positives: meet The Neurocomplimenter.
"That was a fantastic study! Good show!"
The project started with two inaugural posts hosted at a different locale:
- Helicopter controlled by human EEG
- The End of Language Embodiment
From now on, the occasional neurocomplimentary pieces will appear on this site.
Post-publication Peer Review, Systemic Changes To Biomedical Research, Nih R01a7s, And Social Media
My, that title sure is a mouthful, isn’t it? That's because in the span of a few short days, we’ve seen the following: (1) An invited review in Neuron on the role of blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and online forums such as PubPeer, PubMed Commons,...
The Decline Of Neurocriticism
The Brain From Beyond Infinity In the last post, I celebrated Eight Years of Neurocriticism but wistfully noted that this blog's popularity peaked in 2012. The traffic last year showed a decline to 2009-2010 levels. Why did this happen? And does it...
Eight Years Of Neurocriticism
A Mad Scientist Party Idea, from Party on Purpose. Eight years ago, I started a blog out of sheer frustration. I decided to call it The Neurocritic. I sent out an anonymous e-mail to some of my friends to describe the project. subject: unveiling The Neurocritic...
Meet The Neuro Doubters
Meet the “neuro doubters.” The neuro doubter may like neuroscience but does not like what he or she considers its bastardization by glib, sometimes ill-informed, popularizers. A gaggle of energetic and amusing, mostly anonymous, neuroscience...
Neuroetiquette And Neuroculture
Discover neuro-etiquette: fork and knife in action Are neuroscientists taking jobs away from philosophers, sociologists and gender theorists? "We need a neurocultural manifesto because the brain has been put forward by others as foundational for knowing...